
WaterDrop Foundation Overview


Beijing Waterdrop Philanthropic Foundation (The Waterdrop Foundation) is a non-public offering foundation, funded by Beijing ZongQingXiangQian Technology Co. Ltd. (Waterdrop Company) and approved by the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau. The foundation has a unified social credit code: 53110000MJ0177737U. The purpose of the foundation is to carry out non-profit charitable activities; building a public welfare platform and promote the development of public welfare. The business scope include helping the poor, orphans, elderly and disabled.


The Waterdrop Foundation is currently executing a project called “Funding for Poverty Caused by Illness” (including major illnesses for children and adults), mainly for those who suffer from severe illness and impoverished families, providing them with assistance funds ranging from 5,000 to 50,000 RMB. Financing them with follow-up medical treatment costs.


“Waterdrop Medical Clinic” project establishes in-campus medical clinics in schools (primarily primary schools) in poverty-stricken areas across the country. The concept of health education is introduced into poor mountainous areas through the medical clinics, and students and teachers are trained in first aid knowledge and first aid supplies training, etc.


“Little Hope” project is the construction of children’s wards in cooperation with hospitals. Set up a “Book Corner” or “Toy Corner” in the ward area to allow children to expand their horizons through reading during treatment, enrich their knowledge reserves, and boosts their hope and confidence for a prosperous life in the future. The “Wish List” project hopes to build a bridge of love that connects philanthropist or caring companies, to impoverished children who also have dreams, so that the children’s dreams can be helped by philanthropist through a wish list, allowing care and love to be precisely delivered.


The “Waterdrop Action, Love and Warming Program” is specifically for the targeted poverty alleviation project in Riha Township, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province. We began by donating winter supplies to cooperate with local village cadres to explore the true needs of Riha Township and donate sports equipment to schools. Establish medical clinics for the primary schools, and repair the public facilities used by the villagers to provide accurate assistance and precision poverty alleviation. At the same time, we also carry out public welfare activities for poor mountainous areas, students with disabilities, mentally handicapped groups, and groups with major diseases.


In the future, the Waterdrop Foundation will strive for a comprehensive innovation, make continuous efforts in areas such as helping the poor, promoting the development of education, and caring for the disadvantaged, leading the mass public to participate in public welfare, promote resource coordination, and help the development of public welfare.